TRANSLATE and REPLACE function in SQL Server

TRANSLATE and REPLACE are both SQL Server functions that can be used to replace characters in a string, but they have some key differences:

  • REPLACE function replaces all occurrences of a specific string or character with another string or character. It takes three arguments: the source string, the string or character to be replaced, and the replacement string or character.
    REPLACE(string_expression, string_pattern, string_replacement)
  • TRANSLATE function replaces multiple characters at once. It takes three arguments: the source string, the set of characters to be replaced, and the set of replacement characters. Each character in the first set is replaced by the corresponding character in the second set. If a character in the first set is not found in the second set, it is removed.
    TRANSLATE(string_expression, string_pattern, string_replacement)
    SELECT TRANSLATE('2*[3+4]/{7-2}', '[]{}', '()()') –out put 2*(3+4)/(7-2)

The main difference between the two is that REPLACE can replace one or more specific characters or substrings in a string, while TRANSLATE can replace multiple characters at once. TRANSLATE can be useful when you need to replace multiple characters in a string at once, while REPLACE is useful when you need to replace a specific substring or character.