This blog I will show you a very trick issue thing a bout nchar and nvarchar actual size and storage size.
When I use sp_help to check the table property. I got below result:
but when I using SSMS to check the column size, it shows nvarchar(50)
so what’s the different between sp_help and SSMS design view?
I checked sp_help , it is get the max length field from sys.all_columns. In Microsoft document website, it mentioned maximum length (in bytes) of the column.
But we know nchar and nvarchar, the storage size is two times n bytes (n is the actual number of characters ). so this explained, sp_help is not real character size, it is the storage size in bytes. But SSMS design view is using real character size.
For details you can check Microsoft article nchar and nvarchar and sys.all_columns